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Educational Materials and Courses

A new development in the management of emergencies involving mothers and children

As in the UK, in poorly resourced countries, the management of obstetric, neonatal and paediatric emergencies must be coordinated and effective if deaths and long-term or permanent disability are to be avoided.

Management in the first hour or two of the presentation of an emergency and during childbirth is a major determinant of outcome.

Two programs utilizing an educational approach based on team working during clinical scenarios, on skill stations, and through small seminars will form the basis of the EMCH program. The approach to training will be similar to that already practiced in the Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) and Management of Obstetric Emergencies and Trauma (MOET) courses widely undertaken in well-resourced countries.

ESS-EMCH programme

As part of the ESS-EMCH programme, CAI and the ALSG have developed a number of teaching materials to help with the emergency care of mothers, babies and children. These teaching materials are esigned to be appropriate for ealth workers in poorly resourced countries. The material is up to date and as 'evidence based' as possible. We have made it possible for those with slow internet access to download the materials in small sections.

In addition to the manuals, CAI and ALSG have also produced two interactive CD and DVD roms. The first is entitled 'Advanced Paediatric Life Support CD Rom. The Practical Approach. Companion to the Fourth edition'.

The second is entitled 'Essential Surgical Skills-Emergency Maternal and Neonatal Healthcare CD Rom' for poorly resourced countries. This CD is supported by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

Copyright for all teaching materials is retained by CAI and ALSG. The sale of and or distribution of copies of the teaching materials is strictly forbidden without the permission of one of the two organisations: CAI or ALSG. We are, however, keen for the teaching materials to be distributed without charge to as many healthcare workers as possible in poorly resourced healthcare facilities. If you are based in a well-resourced country we request that you ask colleagues to buy the materials from CAI so that the profits from such sales may enhance the undertaking of the ESS-EMCH programme in poorly resourced countries.

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