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Uganda (news from the CAI Bulletin - Dec 2003)

Read the latest news about Uganda

The Rapid Response Team continue to deliver excellent results at Mulago Hospital, Kampala

The training programme to teach resuscitation techniques is proving very popular and is saving many newborn lives and reducing the incidence of irreversible brain damage in others.

The Dorothea Haus Ross Foundation in New York has supported this programme for the past year and we are extremely grateful that they have agreed to extend the grant for a further year.

AIDS orphans in Uganda

Increasing numbers of children are waiting to join CAI's innovative mobile hospice at home service for young orphans suffering from HIV/AIDS.

Originally the programme was designed for just 150 children plus their carers and families, however numbers are increasing. At the time of writing we have 198 children registered with a waiting list of many more.

Of course it is difficult to turn children away, particularly when they are related or are close to registered children.

Plans are in place to extend the programme to include an additional team in the area of Inganga which is approximately 70 miles to the east of Mulago.

Recently CAI has distributed mosquito nets and blankets. The nets will prevent them from getting malaria from mosquito bites, which weakens their body immunity.

More abandoned babies

Over the past few months many more babies and young children are being abandoned. Over the past six months the unit has received between 10-12 babies under 2yrs.

Many are left at the hospital once they become sick and parents cannot afford the cost of treatment.

Barbara was abandoned by her father in the acute care unit after she developed severe vomiting, dehydration and malnutrition. She later developed measles. Barbara was treated and has improved. Once she has completely recovered a new home will be found for her.

Job, Paul and Blessed were all abandoned in their villages. A landlord brought in Paul after finding Paul's mother dead.

CAI supporters have kept this programme running with much needed donations.

Impact of the MotherCare Project

The following letter was received from James Mugisha, a Social Worker in Mulago Hospital, Kampala. Babies are abandoned often in response to abject poverty, other times due to the parents' inability to provide for necessary medical costs. HIV/AIDS also leaves many orphans who are especially vulnerable. In some cases, mothers die in childbirth and families are unaware of the continuing survival of a baby. These children, too, are left in Mulago hospital.

Dear All,

The fate and status of abandoned children in Mulago is appalling. After they have been abandoned, some in toilets, walkways and dustbins, they are normally in a state of absolute neglect. These infants have, in recent years, been lucky to have the MotherCare Project. It has been a blessing to the abandoned children in many ways.

The abandoned children, just like other children, need warmth and love. The MotherCare Project has provided caring people who generously share their love and warmth with the children. The would-be isolated children, now get someone near them.

The hospital is not resourced enough in terms of feedings. The MotherCare Project has provided the necessary feeds to these vulnerable children. Although their parents are missing, they are assured of food and drinks.

Like other children, these children also need clothing and bedding. Some are found almost naked. The MotherCare Project has responded to this. The abandoned children are now adequately clothed and bedding is normally supplied by the project.

I may lack the right words to describe the impact of project but all I can say is that it is more than valuable.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our recent appeal to keep this service going.

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